Total Performance Strength & Conditioning Welcomes Blue Storm Softball!

Blue Storm Softball Spring Speed & Strength Training


  1. Movement Pattern Quality, Efficiency, & Coordination

  2. Speed & Agility

  3. Foundational Strength & Intro to Power/Plyometrics

  4. Durability & Mobility

  5. Create a Positive Association with Performance Training and Hard Work

  6. Have Fun

When: Sunday MARCH 23RD - JUNE 15TH

  • SUNDAYS 12:30-1:30PM

Where: Total Performance Strength and Conditioning- 27 Radio Cir. Dr Mt. Kisco, NY 10549

Who: 10u Blue Storm Softball

Please register before each class to reserve your spot.

Steps to register:

  1. Click the button below for the appropriate week you would like to register for

  2. A new page will open with “sign up now” buttons for Tuesday / Thursday / Friday sessions - click the one you wish to register for

  3. If you never created a profile with us, click “Create an account”. If you have a profile with us already, please login with your email and password

  4. Confirm the date and time and press the button “make single reservation”

  5. Click “checkout”

  6. Enter billing info and press the “place order” button

Register for SUNDAY 3/23

Register for SUNDAY 3/30

Register for SUNDAY 4/6

Register for SUNDAY 4/13

Register for SUNDAY 4/20

Register for SUNDAY 4/27

We love hard work, especially when it pays off! Keep up the good work, and let’s keep getting better!