The Realities of Building Lean Muscle Mass for Athletes

When athletes in their late teens or early twenties set goals to increase lean muscle mass, they often picture a bodybuilder—highly defined, veiny, and shredded. It’s an understandable image, fueled by social media and the prevalence of fitness influencers. But for field athletes who need to balance their sport with hypertrophy goals, this image is misleading and, frankly, unattainable for most.

What Can You Expect?

Outside of genetic outliers, the average male athlete can gain 12–18 pounds of lean muscle over a solid 16-week hypertrophy and strength training block—provided their diet, recovery, and training are dialed in. These are impressive results that translate to improved strength and performance, but they don’t guarantee visible abs or vascular arms. Building muscle isn’t just about lifting weights; it’s about relentless energy, time, effort, and planning.

Athletes also face a unique challenge: they must balance their muscle-building goals with the demands of practice and competition. Training for size after the age of 17 isn’t the same as when you were younger—it’s grueling, repetitive, and often impacts your ability to perform at your best in your sport.

The Cost of Unrealistic Expectations

Many athletes feel frustrated when their hard work doesn’t result in the physique they envisioned. They might start tweaking their program unnecessarily or resort to ego lifting. This path often leads to injury and stalled progress. What’s important to understand is that building muscle as an athlete is about performance first, aesthetics second.

If you see a 20-year-old who’s shredded, it’s likely due to one (or a combination) of the following:

  • Exceptional genetics

  • Relentless effort in training and diet

  • The use of performance-enhancing substances

  • A lack of sport-specific practice demands

  • All of the above

For most athletes, the focus should be on functional size and strength gains that enhance their ability to practice and compete effectively.

Be Real About Your Goals

If you’re a field athlete looking to build size, be realistic. You won’t look like a Greek god in four months, but you can:

  • Gain double-digit pounds of muscle

  • Increase your one-rep maxes by 15–20%

  • Enhance your durability and performance on the field

The key is to stay disciplined, avoid chasing aesthetics, and train with purpose. Remember, your sport is the priority, and your strength gains in the weight room should translate to better performance on the field.

So, practice relentlessly, work hard in the weight room, and embrace the grind. You may not get veins popping out of your arms, but you’ll become a stronger, more capable athlete—and that’s what really matters.

The Order of Operations- Optimizing At-Home Routines to Improve Athletic Performance

Lifting Guidelines for At-Home Performance Training

If you are reading this sheet, it is because you don’t want to train like a nerd, or even worse… a gym bro. This sheet is meant to provide you with information, and general principles associated with performance training to solicit the best adaptations possible, and prevent over-training. I will list my guidelines below, but not all programs and practices bring about the same results for each athlete. As I stated previously, these are guidelines not laws that we must adhere to. 

  • Order of operations within a training day

Outside of volume, and intensity, the order in which you complete your workouts is probably the most overlooked aspect of performance training. We don’t want to take away from the main lift of the day, while at the same time stressing certain areas of the body that we are targeting for development. As a general rule of thumb, your training sequence should be as follows: 

  • Warm up

Your warm up should be simple and effective. 5-10 minutes is enough time to get your body temperature up, lubricate joints, and fine tune your central nervous system. Depending on your mindset, this can be a structured regimen that is completed without thought, or an ever-changing routine that keeps your mind engaged. 

  • Speed/ technical exercises

  • Speed training is tricky, but it should be completed right after your warm up, no matter what type of “speed” training you are completing that day. This includes: sprints, agility drills, repeat effort plyometrics, and any complex drills you might be learning. 

    • If you are not speed training on a particular day, then you should complete complex movements that require high effort, and engagement (i.e. olympic lifts, med ball drills, etc). If you are learning a new movement, you don’t want to be too tired when learning the new movement. When you are tired, you normally don’t get as much out of the movement, and technique suffers. 

  • Power/ Plyos

    • Any scheduled jump drills (single effort), loaded or body weight, olympic lifts, and med ball drills,  should be completed after your speed and technical drills. You shouldn’t be too fatigued from your warm up, and speed work. This is key because true power work needs to be completed with as much intensity and focus as possible to truly adapt to the stimulus you are chasing. 

  • Strength

  • Strength is a quality that is the foundation of power and speed work. We do not complete strength training first due to the fact that true strength training induces more fatigue than speed and power training, and that fatigue will limit your ability to perform with high intensity. On the other hand, your speed and power training (when done correctly) should elevate your potential for strength output. Sure, you might be a little tired by the time you get to this portion of the training day, but generally speaking, you should have plenty of energy left to complete appropriate strength training movements. (squat, deadlift, lunges, presses, pulls etc). 

  • Accessory and/or cardio 

  • Your cardiovascular system is the foundation of recovery, and is what allows you to bounce back from high levels of intensity completed earlier in the training day. This is why we can train cardio towards the end of the training day. Interval training, long slow distance training, and pace training are all appropriate for this phase of the day. 

  • Your accessory work should also be completed at the end of your training day. It is called accessory training for a reason. Typically, these accessory exercises are single joint, simple, and repetitive. They could also serve as an opportunity for the body to cool down from a hard training session. 

Things to consider regarding the order of operations

  • What you/ your coach deem most important should be completed first, if not after the warm up. If you need to hone in on your hip rotation, or a certain variation of an olympic lift, or maybe you just want to make sure that your bench press is the heaviest it can be, you can simply slide these movements to the front of your training session. The order of exercise is a give and take, and is filled with compromises. Just be aware that the longer you train, the more fatigue will set in. If you truly want to throw harder, run faster, jump higher, or lift heavier weights, there needs to be a priority placed on these qualities. 

Order of operations within a training week

  • Depending on the time of year, and training block goal, what you do at the beginning of the week, the middle, and the end of the week matters. Most human cycles because of our similar work and school schedules place us routine similar to: 

  • Monday being a little groggy/ tired from the weekend

  • Tuesday getting back into routine

  • Wednesday/thursday a potential peak performance day(s)

  • Friday being a day we are little gassed from a hard week, and looking forward to the weekend

  • Saturday a day we can sometimes go hard since we don’t have work/ school, so our bandwidth for training is higher

  • Sunday is typically a day of rest as we recover from the previous week, and prepare for Monday. 

  • With this in mind, we want to organize our training routine to either compliment our cycles/ routines, or get in a game like routine (i.e. a pitcher on a 5 day pitching cycle)

  • Generally speaking, I have seen the most success with the following routine: 

  • Monday- UB speed/ power day

  • Tuesday- LB strength day

  • Wednesday- total body, recovery, or speed day (depending on your goals)

  • Thursday- UB strength day

  • Friday- LB/ total body volume day (conditioning, accessory, etc)

  • Saturday & Sunday- Off

  • This example is not without its flaws. The order in which you complete your training days varies depending on what you are training to accomplish. If you play football games on fridays, then we want to train the body to get accustomed to performing at a high level on fridays not wednesdays. If you want to lift heavy on a particular day, then the day before should not cause excessive fatigue that would prevent you from lifting the most weight the following day. Just know that you will be fatigued from that heavy lifting day, and the following 24 hours, you might not be able to complete a quality speed day. 

Order of operations within the training block

  • Depending on your training frequency, your exercise selection is another key factor that will determine your success in the gym. Whether you train 1 day/ week, or 5 days/ week makes a dramatic difference in how you should organize your training schedule. Here are some examples. 

  • 1-3x/ week training frequency

    • Total body lifts should be completed each session, emphasizing a certain body area each day.

  • 4-6x/ week training frequency

    • Upper/ lower splits are recommended for people training 4-6x/ week, alternating the emphasis each day.

    • Monday- UB, Tues- LB, Wed- recovery, Thurs- UB, Fri- LB

    • This type of organization allows each half the body to be stressed appropriately, while allowing it to recover the following day.

  • Total Body training day example

    • A block- warm up/ mobility 

    • B block- jump, sprint, med ball throw

    • C block- lower body strength, core exercise, upper body accessory

    • D block- upper body strength, core exercise, lower body accessory

  • Upper body split training day example

    • A block- warm up/ mobility 

    • B block- med ball throw, single arm press, single arm pull

    • C block- 2 arm press, core exercise, 2 arm pull

    • D block- UB accessory, core exercise, upper body accessory

  • The key to a productive day is to sneak in active rest periods by taxing another segment of the body at the same time (i.e. squat paired with a push up, paired with a banded rotation). This will allow for the highest quality of reps for your main movements, while not neglecting other body parts. 

Training residuals & associated rest periods

  • Training for size, strength, power, speed, and endurance require varying levels of volume, intensity, and rest periods. Listed below are some general guidelines for each training quality. 

  • Size (hypertrophy)

    • 3-5 sets x 6-12 reps

    • Multiple joints should be involved for each movement, but that is not to say that we can’t target a certain muscle group in isolation (i.e. bicep curls). The less joints involved, the less rest you might need.

    • Training intensity should be close to failure

    • 2-3 minutes of rest between each set

  • Strength (force output)

    • 3-6 sets x 1-6 reps

    • Multiple joints should be involved for each movement

    • Training intensity should be at or near failure

    • 2-5 minutes of rest between sets

  • Power (rate of force development)

    • 3-5 sets x 3-5 reps

    • Multiple joints should be involved (if not the whole body)

    • Training intensity should be moderate (not too light, not too heavy)

    • 2-5 minutes of rest between sets

  • Total body endurance

    • 3-5 sets x 10-25 reps

    • Multiple joints should be involved 

    • Training intensity should be near failure, but not in the way strength training or size training should feel. This failure is more akin to being out of breath/ having an elevated heart rate for an extended period of time. 

    • Rest periods will vary depending on focus, but generally speaking, they can range from a 1:1 work to rest ratio, to a 1:3 work to rest ratio- meaning if you work for 1 minute straight, you should rest for 1 minute. 

  • Speed

    • 3-8 sets x 2-8 reps (i mean it totally depends on what your speed training consists of)

    • Multiple joints (if not the whole body) should be involved 

    • Training intensity should be extremely light, meaning you're using just your body weight, or lightly loaded exercises, so that your reps are completed with the highest levels of speed possible. 

    • Rest periods are tricky, but a 1:5-10 work to rest ratio is typically appropriate. Meaning, if you sprint 10 yards (should take under 2 seconds) your rest should be to walk back, + an additional 20-30 seconds of rest. A more general rule of thumb is that your breathing should return to normal, and your heart rate should fall to about 100-120 bpm before completing another rep.

In conclusion

These are guidelines, and there are countless other variables that need to be considered when creating a performance training routine. Performance training can solicit general fitness adaptations for people who are no longer athletes, but general fitness training will rarely bring about the best performance results for an athlete. Athlete experience, level of fitness, training goals, injury history, and biological age are just a few of the multitude of variables one must consider when creating a training program. 

At the end of the day, we need efficient and effective training programs that you want to complete, and enjoy doing. Most people don’t get paid to train on a regular basis, they do it for their health and/or their performance. You might only have 1-5 hours/ week to actually train to see results. The less often you train, the harder it is to recover from training, and the longer it will take to see results. The more often you train, the easier it will be to recover from higher levels of training, and the faster you will see results. We want to avoid injury, over training, and taking unplanned days off. Following these guidelines is a good start to doing just that. 

If you are reading these sheets, that means you know how to contact me (coach Nate). Feel free to ask questions, throw around some ideas, and maybe show me a thing or 2 about what you do when you’re not at TP. I hope this information helped, and I look forward to seeing you achieve your goals 🙂- With strength, Coach Nate

Understanding Wide vs. Narrow ISA in Sprinting: How Body Structure Shapes Speed and Power

As a sprint specialist, I’m constantly studying how body mechanics influence athletic performance. Understanding an athlete’s unique structural attributes can help us develop training programs that enhance their natural strengths. One of the most influential yet often overlooked aspects is the Infrasternal Angle (ISA) – essentially, the angle of the lower ribs and sternum that shapes an athlete’s movement strategy. In this post, we'll explore the differences between Wide and Narrow ISA archetypes in sprinting and provide examples of professional athletes who embody these traits in football, track, and baseball.

The Basics: What is the Infrasternal Angle (ISA)?

The Infrasternal Angle (ISA) is a key structural characteristic that influences how an athlete moves. Typically, a Narrow ISA (less than 90 degrees) promotes a more elastic, bouncy movement pattern, while a Wide ISA (greater than 100 degrees) supports a more forceful, muscular approach to movement. However, ISA isn’t a black-and-white concept; it exists on a spectrum. Most athletes fall somewhere between narrow and wide, displaying characteristics of both, often adapting to the demands of their sport or daily activities.

Athletes may exhibit tendencies of a wide or narrow ISA depending on their biomechanics and training history. Not all "wides" or "narrows" present the same way; this is simply a comparison to help understand how ISA type may influence sprint style and optimal training strategies.

Narrow ISA Sprinters: Elastic, Bouncy, and Rhythmic

Narrow ISA athletes generally lean toward an elastic, spring-like movement quality. They tend to be bouncy and rhythmic in their stride, with efficient energy storage and release. Here’s a closer look at the key characteristics:

  • Elastic Sprint Style: These athletes naturally store and release energy with each stride, using elasticity to fuel a smooth, rhythmic run.

  • Swing Leg Window: Narrow ISA athletes often have a larger range of hip extension, enabling their swing leg to extend further behind. This creates a “wheel” effect with the legs, increasing stride length and efficiency.

  • Narrow Strike Path: Their foot strikes align closer to the centerline of the body, harnessing natural rotation and supporting smooth transitions between steps. This is advantageous in linear bounding and rhythm-based sprints.

  • Optimal Training: Narrow ISA athletes excel in tempo sprints and plyometrics, which build on their elastic and rotational abilities.

Examples of Narrow ISA Athletes:

  • Usain Bolt (Track)

  • Devonta Smith (Football)

  • Trea Turner (Baseball)

Wide ISA Sprinters: Muscular, Forceful, and Powerful

Wide ISA athletes often demonstrate a more muscular, force-driven approach to movement. They rely on strength and power, making them explosive over short distances and excelling in high-force outputs.

  • Muscular Sprint Style: Wide ISA athletes rely on muscular force for each stride, resulting in a compact, powerful sprinting style built for acceleration and short sprints.

  • Smaller Hip Extension Window: They typically have a more limited swing leg range, keeping strides compact and powerful. This enhances force output, particularly in the initial phases of a sprint.

  • Wider Strike Tracking: Their foot strikes are usually wider and more lateral, which aids in managing force absorption during multi-directional movements and lateral bounding.

  • Enhanced Exhalation Power: Wide ISA athletes tend to produce more thoracic pressure, which enhances stability during forceful lifting and acceleration.

  • Optimal Training: Wide ISA athletes benefit from strength-based lifts and short, high-intensity sprints that maximize power output.

Examples of Wide ISA Athletes:

  • Christian Coleman (Track)

  • Saquon Barkley (Football)

  • Mike Trout (Baseball)

ISA as a Spectrum: Embracing Individuality in Training

While it’s helpful to categorize athletes as "Wide" or "Narrow" ISA types, most athletes fall somewhere in between. ISA should be viewed as a spectrum where individuals exhibit a combination of elastic and forceful traits depending on their sport, body composition, and training history. Some Wide ISA athletes may show surprising elasticity, while certain Narrow ISA athletes could display powerful, forceful tendencies.

The demands of the sport and daily life influence how an athlete expresses their ISA type:

  • Football players are heavily influenced by the position they play, and what system they play in. Wides typically being your linemen, linebackers- narrows tend to be slot receivers, or kickers.

  • Track sprinters may express more Narrow or Wide tendencies depending on what their main event is. However, you will see both archetypes in shorter distance events.

  • Baseball players often adapt based on field position, with outfielders benefiting from elastic traits for running distances and infielders from muscular traits for rapid reaction.

Training strategies should therefore be customized to each athlete's unique blend of wide and narrow characteristics, enhancing their natural strengths rather than forcing them into a rigid category.

Training Takeaways: How to Program for Wide, Narrow, and In-Between ISA Athletes

Understanding an athlete’s ISA type can guide training decisions, allowing us to create programs that leverage their natural biomechanics. Here’s a general guide:

For Narrow ISA Athletes:

  • Focus on Elasticity and Rhythm: Emphasize plyometrics, rhythm drills, and tempo sprints to build on their elastic qualities.

  • Reinforce Linear Movements: Use linear bounding and coordination exercises that take advantage of their rotational strength and bounciness.

  • Light Strength Work: To avoid diminishing elasticity, keep strength training lighter and more dynamic.

For Wide ISA Athletes:

  • Build Strength and Power: Prioritize strength exercises like squats and deadlifts to capitalize on their forceful tendencies.

  • Use High-Intensity Sprints: Short sprints with long recovery periods enhance explosive power and maintain forceful sprinting mechanics.

  • Incorporate Lateral Work: Include lateral bounding and agility drills to support their natural stride width and lateral stability.

For Athletes in the Middle:

  • Blended Approach: Include a mix of plyometric and strength training to cover both elasticity and power.

  • Monitor Individual Responses: Athletes in the middle may respond differently to various exercises, so adjust training based on what optimizes their performance.

  • Focus on Sport-Specific Needs: Tailor drills to the specific demands of their sport, whether that requires more bounciness, strength, or agility.


In sprint training, acknowledging and respecting each athlete’s unique structural tendencies along the ISA spectrum can help unlock their full potential. Narrow ISA athletes thrive on elasticity and rhythm, while Wide ISA athletes excel with compact, powerful strides. Most athletes, however, land somewhere in between, blending these traits to suit the demands of their sport and training background. And remember, these are just examples of different archetypes I see in professional sports and with my athletes. The take home message is that athlete’s training should be biased to what their body type allows, but by no means should athletes completely avoid certain exercises because of their ISA.

What It Really Means to Start Training for Sports Performance

When parents or athletes decide to "get serious" about training for sports performance, it's easy to get caught up in the idea that simply showing up for workouts will lead to success. However, starting a sports performance program is far more complex than many realize. True performance training requires a commitment that must match or exceed the athlete's aspirations, and this is where many people get it wrong. They underestimate the dedication required, or they misunderstand what performance training actually involves.

The Confusion: What Sports Performance Training Is — and Isn’t

Many people think that sports performance training is just about lifting weights or running drills, but that’s only part of the picture. At its core, true sports performance training is goal-oriented, periodized, and sport-specific. It’s not just about improving general fitness; it’s about training to enhance specific attributes that will make an athlete excel in their sport. For a basketball player, this might mean increasing vertical jump and agility. For a soccer player, it could be about improving sprint speed and endurance.

One common misconception is thinking that going to the gym a few times a week is enough to see significant improvement. While that’s a start, serious athletes need a comprehensive program that includes:

  • Strength and power development to enhance muscle performance.

  • Speed and agility work to optimize movement efficiency.

  • Mobility and flexibility training to prevent injuries.

  • Recovery and nutrition protocols to maximize gains and prevent burnout.

Athletes and parents often don't understand that sports performance training is highly individualized and needs to be adjusted based on the athlete's goals, developmental stage, and sport demands.

The Reality: Commitment and Time Required

True performance training involves more than just the hour or two spent in a gym. Athletes need to focus on recovery, sleep, nutrition, and mindset. These factors are often overlooked, but they are just as important as the physical training itself.

For example, let’s consider the commitment level for a youth athlete. At a facility like Total Performance, youth athletes might train two hours a week for 11 months, costing around $4,800 annually. However, this is just the formal training. To see real results, athletes also need to be active in other areas—participating in free play, working on their skills outside of training, and staying consistent even during the off-season. High school athletes, who train three days a week for nine months, face a more significant time and financial commitment, with costs around $6,480 annually

The commitment doesn’t stop with physical attendance. Athletes aiming for high school recruitment or college scholarships need to dedicate 20-40 hours per week during their competitive seasons, including training, practice, and games. This doesn’t even factor in time for travel, recovery, and balancing academics​

Matching Commitment to Aspirations

The biggest mistake I see athletes and their families make is when the level of commitment doesn’t match the athlete's aspirations. You can’t expect to play at the collegiate or professional level if you’re only putting in the effort of a casual player. Athletes need to be self-driven and have a clear understanding of what’s required at each level. Are you aiming for a college scholarship? Then you’ll need to train year-round, attend combines or showcases, and perform at a high level in both school and travel sports.

Parents can encourage their children, but it’s essential to realistically assess the athlete’s potential and passion. It’s not just about being good enough physically—it’s about mental resilience, the love for the sport, and the willingness to dedicate the time and effort needed.

Not Everyone Needs to Go Pro to Benefit- How Every Athlete can Learn in the Weight-Room

Even if an athlete isn’t aiming for the pros, structured training still has tremendous value. The physical health benefits—improving cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and injury prevention—are undeniable. Beyond that, the mental health benefits and life skills that come with sports training—discipline, time management, resilience—will serve them well in all areas of life​

In summary, if you’re serious about sports performance training, it’s critical to understand what’s truly required. The commitment must match the goal. Whether you’re aiming for a college scholarship or just improving your overall fitness, you need to approach training with intention, discipline, and consistency. If you’re prepared to make that commitment, the benefits—both in sports and in life—are well worth the effort.

Why Push-Ups and Bench Press Aren’t Enough for Overhead Athletes

Overhead strength is a crucial element of athletic performance, especially for athletes who engage in sports that require dynamic overhead movements like swimming, baseball, and volleyball. Whether you're spiking a volleyball, throwing a pitch, or powering through a swim stroke, strong and stable shoulders are essential for generating force and maintaining control. In this blog post, we'll explore why overhead strength matters, how it benefits specific athletes, and compare traditional upper body strength exercises to sport-specific overhead work.

Link to Example Lift + Demo

Why Overhead Strength is Important

Overhead strength refers to the ability to generate and control force when your arms are extended above your head. This involves not only the shoulders but also the upper back, core, and even hips. Here's why overhead strength is so critical:

  1. Enhanced Performance: Athletes in sports like swimming, baseball, and volleyball require powerful and controlled overhead movements. Whether it's throwing a baseball, executing a serve, or performing a swim stroke, overhead strength helps athletes generate more force and execute movements with greater precision.

  2. Injury Prevention: Overhead athletes are particularly prone to shoulder and upper back injuries due to the repetitive nature of their movements. Strengthening the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder helps prevent common injuries like rotator cuff tears, impingement, and labral damage.

  3. Improved Stability and Balance: Overhead pressing exercises recruit the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder, rotator cuff, and upper back. Stronger stabilizers allow for more control in dynamic sports movements, reducing the risk of injury and improving movement efficiency.

  4. Sport-Specific Functional Strength: Overhead strength is crucial for athletes who perform repetitive overhead motions. Building strength in these positions prepares the body for the demands of competition, improving performance and resilience to injury.

Overhead Strength for Specific Sports

Let’s examine why overhead strength is especially important for athletes in swimming, baseball, and volleyball:

  1. Swimmers:

    • Why it matters: Every stroke a swimmer takes requires overhead movement, particularly in freestyle and butterfly. Strong overhead muscles help swimmers maintain a powerful stroke while minimizing the risk of shoulder impingement or tendonitis, which are common overuse injuries in competitive swimming.

    • Key focus: Building a balance of strength and mobility is essential. Incorporating overhead pressing movements and shoulder stability exercises improves stroke power and durability.

  2. Baseball Players:

    • Why it matters: Whether you're a pitcher or an outfielder, generating explosive overhead force is key to throwing harder and farther. Strengthening the muscles involved in the throwing motion can improve both velocity and control while reducing the risk of overuse injuries.

    • Key focus: Baseball players benefit from building strength in the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers, combined with overhead pressing for power development. Exercises like overhead presses with controlled tempo and medicine ball overhead throws can help improve both power and injury resilience.

  3. Volleyball Players:

    • Why it matters: Overhead strength is vital for volleyball players who need to spike, block, and serve. These explosive, repetitive movements put significant stress on the shoulders, making overhead strength essential for performance and injury prevention.

    • Key focus: Volleyball players should focus on explosive overhead strength and shoulder stability. Incorporating plyometric exercises like overhead medicine ball throws, along with strict overhead presses, helps athletes spike harder and serve with more control.

Comparing Overhead Exercises to Traditional Upper Body Exercises

When it comes to building upper body strength, traditional exercises like push-ups, bench presses, and dips have long been staples in strength training programs. However, when the goal is to develop overhead strength for athletic purposes, it's important to understand the differences between traditional exercises and overhead-specific movements.

Traditional Upper Body Exercises: Push-Ups and Bench Press

  • Strength Gains: Traditional upper body exercises like the bench press allow you to lift heavier weights and build raw strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Because you can press more weight in a horizontal plane compared to overhead, the bench press is a more effective exercise for developing maximal strength in those muscles. For athletes looking to build upper body mass and force output, the bench press is an essential tool.

  • Versatility: Push-ups, as a bodyweight exercise, are extremely versatile and can be modified in numerous ways to build strength and endurance. However, push-ups don’t typically load the shoulders as heavily as pressing exercises, making them less effective for developing maximal strength compared to the bench press or overhead work.

Overhead Exercises: Overhead Press and Landmine Press

  • Sport-Specificity: When it comes to athletes who perform repetitive overhead movements, such as throwing, swimming, or spiking, overhead pressing is more specific to their sport. The overhead press mimics many of the shoulder positions athletes will experience in competition, making it a better choice for sport-specific strength development.

  • Shoulder Stability and Injury Prevention: The overhead press requires strong stabilizer muscles in the shoulder and upper back, making it an excellent tool for developing shoulder stability. This is especially important for athletes who need to protect their shoulders from overuse injuries. Exercises like the landmine press can also help develop strength in athletes who may have mobility limitations or shoulder discomfort in traditional overhead pressing positions.

  • Load Comparison: While overhead exercises are better for sport-specific strength, they typically allow for less weight compared to the bench press. If maximal strength is the primary goal, the bench press is the superior choice for loading. However, for athletes looking to transfer that strength into their sport, developing overhead strength is crucial for power production and injury prevention.

Bench Press vs. Overhead Press: Which One Should You Use?

Both the bench press and overhead press have their place in an athlete's strength training routine. The bench press is ideal for building upper body strength that transfers to many movements requiring horizontal force production. However, if you're an athlete in a sport that involves significant overhead movement (like swimming, baseball, or volleyball), the overhead press is the more sport-specific option.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Bench Press: Best for maximal strength development in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. You can move heavier loads compared to overhead exercises.

  • Overhead Press: Best for developing sport-specific strength, stability, and injury prevention for overhead athletes. While the load is typically lighter, the movement is more applicable to the demands of sports like swimming, baseball, and volleyball.

Key Exercises for Overhead Strength

Here are some excellent exercises to include in your training program for developing overhead strength:

  1. Overhead Press: The staple for building raw overhead strength and shoulder stability. Perform this with dumbbells or a barbell to train both unilateral and bilateral overhead strength.

  2. Landmine Press: Great for athletes who have mobility restrictions or are recovering from shoulder issues. The angled barbell path provides a safer option while still building strength and stability.

  3. Medicine Ball Overhead Throws: This dynamic, explosive movement trains overhead power. It’s perfect for athletes like baseball players and volleyball players who need to generate force quickly in an overhead position.


Building overhead strength is essential for athletes in sports like swimming, baseball, and volleyball, where overhead movements are key to success. While traditional upper body exercises like the bench press and push-ups are valuable for developing maximal strength, incorporating overhead-specific exercises into your routine is crucial for improving performance and preventing injury in overhead athletes.

Focus on balancing raw strength development with sport-specific training to create a well-rounded, resilient athlete who can excel in any overhead position.

One of my Favorite Lower Body Training Blocks for Athletes with "Tight" Hips

Full Lift Demo click here

One of my go-to lower body lifting schemes for athletes is structured to improve strength, power, and mobility, without sacrificing the qualities that make them successful in their sport. Many of the athletes I train compete in sports that require explosive, quick-twitch movements on a regular basis—whether it’s baseball, track, football, soccer, or other field and court sports. For them, training needs to emphasize compressive, force-driven movements to enhance their ability to generate power efficiently.

When I talk about "compression," I’m referring to the process where muscles shorten or contract concentrically to create force. Athletes in these sports rely heavily on their muscles' ability to compress quickly and effectively. By playing their sport, and training to improve performance, athletes may develop a posture that chronically compresses certain joints in the body- leading to pain, tingling, or chronic tightness. However, coaches often make the mistake of either neglecting this aspect or focusing too much on “loosening up” athletes, which can lead to issues. Over-focusing on stretching and mobility work without balancing it with strength development may increase the risk of injury or reduce performance because the muscles aren’t primed to handle the loads or demands of their sport.

There is nothing wrong with stretching, massage, or even targeted mobility work. I think these protocols actually help athletes feel tension, and relax. But it’s all about striking the right balance between mobility and strength. The goal is to optimize performance over the long term, and that’s where program structure becomes critical. I typically train athletes for one to three sessions per week, each lasting about an hour. Given that limited time, I focus on exercises that solve a range of issues while being easy to teach and execute effectively in a group setting. So if I can give an athlete an exercise that not only “loosens” their hip flexors, but teaches their muscles how to contract with better synchronization, I am doing it.

One of the keys to this is selecting movements that transition smoothly from one phase to the next, creating a natural flow. This allows athletes to understand the patterns we’re working on without me having to constantly over-coach every detail. As they progress through the program, they improve their movement mechanics while addressing core performance issues.

Training Phases:

In my lower body strength and power programs, I organize exercises around early, mid, and late stance phases. This setup helps strike a balance between expansion (mobility) and compression (force generation) at different points in the movement cycle.

At the start, athletes focus on more expansive movements—designed to allow their muscles to lengthen eccentrically while maintaining tension. Eccentric contraction, where muscles lengthen under tension, plays a key role in building strength and mobility. As the program progresses, we gradually increase load and introduce compressive, concentric-focused movements. This is where muscles contract and shorten to produce the power needed for explosive performance. Finally, we cycle back to lighter loads or bodyweight to reinforce mobility and control, ensuring that the athlete can move efficiently through a full range of motion.

Lift Structure-

A Block

  • Offset Supported Glute Stretch 2x5 Breaths each

  • Wall Assisted 90/90 Hip Bridge w/ Shift 2x5 Breaths each

  • DB Supine Single Arm Rollover 2x5 each

B Block

  • FFE Split Squat 2x6 each (3-1-1)

  • Cable/ Band Low-High Rotational Lift 2x8 each (1-1-X)

  • Med Ball Hip toss 2x4 each

C Block

  • Trap bar Weck Deadlift 3x5 (60-70% of Training 3RM)

  • Med Ball High Toss 3x4 (4-8lb)

  • Lateral 1/2 kneeling start sprint 3x1-2 each (5-10y)

D Block

  • 2 DB Reverse Lunge 4x4 each (1-1-X)

  • Nordic Hip Hinge 4x6-8 each (3-1-X)

  • Cable/ Band supine Single Leg Hip Flexion 4x8-10 each (3-1-X)


The lift scheme I use follows a logical progression from expansion to compression. In the early stance phase, the emphasis is on muscle lengthening and joint mobility, which helps the body move more freely and efficiently. But as the athlete moves through mid and late stance phases, we shift the focus toward concentric, compressive strength. This is where muscles contract to generate power, which is key for speed, jumping, and explosive lifts.

The result is a complete strength and power cycle that develops without losing mobility. It allows athletes to enhance their ability to contract muscles forcefully while still moving fluidly.

Practical Application:

Most of the athletes I train are high schoolers with 0-5 years of training experience, and many have passed their peak height velocity (PHV) phase of puberty. However, this training scheme can be adapted for athletes of any age or skill level. The key is modifying the load, tempo, and volume to meet the needs of each individual, whether they're a beginner or an experienced athlete.

At the start of each lift, the goal is to expand the targeted muscle groups—giving the body a chance to work together to move efficiently through space. As athletes progress through the lift, they should feel warmer, more mobile, and more connected to their movements. This is crucial because it helps them push their limits confidently—whether that’s lifting heavier, sprinting faster, or jumping higher.

By focusing on this balance of expansion and compression, we can enhance an athlete's overall output in terms of force, strength, and power, without taking away from what makes them great in their sport. This approach increases mobility without sacrificing performance, and in fact, enhances it.

If you are not sure of what the exercises look like, or even what it is, I will be posting videos in the future demonstrating these movements. Be sure to follow us on instagram @tp_strength, and find our youtube channel - TPstrength

Explosive Power Workouts for High School Athletes: A Comprehensive Guide

Power Defined: Power is the product of force and velocity, and in the context of performance training, it refers to the ability to exert maximal force in minimal time. This quality is essential for explosive athletic movements such as sprinting, jumping, and sudden changes of direction. Some of the key metrics involved with testing power include jump heightsprint speed, and rate of force development (RFD).

Strength as a Pre-requisite for Power: Before an athlete can develop explosive power, they need a foundational level of strength. Strength is the ability to exert force, while power is the ability to exert that force quickly. If an athlete lacks basic strength, their ability to maximize power output is limited. For instance, a basketball player’s vertical jump height is determined not only by how much force they can produce (strength) but how quickly they can apply that force (RFD). This relationship is often visualized through a force-velocity profile, where the goal is to optimize both ends of the spectrum for maximum athletic performance. 

Types of Power-Based Training

When people refer to explosive power, they often think of athletic movements like sprint starts, physical play styles, exit velocity in baseball, or vertical jump height. Power training can be categorized into several types based on load and velocity:

  1. High Load Power Training: Involves heavy weights lifted explosively (e.g., power cleans, weighted jumps). These exercises improve gross force output, crucial for athletes who need to generate a lot of force quickly, such as middle linebackers.

  2. Low Load Power Training: Focuses on lighter weights with rapid movement (e.g., jump squats, medicine ball throws), improving RFD and velocity. This is beneficial for athletes requiring quick acceleration, such as sprinters.

  3. Bodyweight Power Training: Includes plyometric exercises like depth jumps or bounding, where bodyweight alone is used to improve reactive strength and elasticity.

  4. Assisted Power Training: Uses bands or other mechanisms to allow athletes to move faster than normal, improving neuromuscular coordination at high speeds (e.g., band-assisted jumps).

Targeting Power Based on Position and Athlete Needs

Different sports and positions demand varying types of power training. For example, a middle linebacker needs to focus on high load power development to be able to absorb and deliver big hits, but also requires some lighter load power work to maintain agility. A sprinter, on the other hand, might focus on low load and bodyweight exercises to maximize RFD and sprint speed, while using high load power work as an accessory. 

At TP, we utilize force-velocity profiling to determine whether an athlete needs high or low load power work. We compare an athlete's maximum jump height with their RSI (Reactive Strength Index) score, which includes ground contact time and jump height.

Athletes who jump high but have a low RSI score (long ground contact time) may need to focus on rate of force development over gross force output.

  • Athletes with a low vertical jump but a high RSI score (short ground contact time) may need to focus on gross force output rather than speed of force production.

Example Power Workouts

1. Athlete Targeting Rate of Force Development (RFD)

This athlete jumps high but has a low RSI score, meaning they need to improve the speed at which they produce force.

  • Depth Jumps: 4x3 (focus on quick ground contact time)

  • Band-Assisted Vertical Jumps: 3x5 (emphasizing speed of the jump)

  • Sprints: 6x20 yards (light resistance, focus on maximal speed)

  • Single-Leg Hops: 3x6/leg (focus on rapid force production)

2. Athlete Targeting Gross Force Output

This athlete has a low vertical jump and high RSI score, indicating they need to focus on overall force production.

  • Barbell Box Squats: 4x4 @ 80% of 1RM (focus on controlled, powerful lifts)

  • Trap Bar Deadlift Jumps: 4x3 @ 60% of 1RM (train explosiveness with moderate weight)

  • Heavy Sled Pushes: 6x20 yards 

  • Weighted Box Jumps: 3x5 (with added resistance to increase gross force output)

  • Power Cleans: 4x3 @ 60-80% 1RM


Training explosive power is essential for high school athletes across all sports. Understanding an athlete’s individual needs through force-velocity profiling can optimize training for better performance. Whether improving RFD for a faster sprint start or focusing on gross force output for more powerful movements, the right balance of high load, low load, and plyometric exercises will help athletes reach their full potential.

Why Strength Coaches Focus on Strength Training Over Stretching

As strength coaches, we understand that athletes need flexibility to perform at their best, but how we achieve that flexibility is critical. Static stretching may increase joint range of motion (ROM), but strength training does so much more. Proper strength training improves flexibility, increases strength, and develops power—all in a shorter time frame than traditional static stretching. The key difference? Strength training teaches athletes to move through a given range of motion under external stress—just like they practice their sport.

Stretching Under Load is the Key to Real Flexibility

When athletes move through a range of motion (ROM) under load, they don’t just stretch muscles; they train the entire system—muscles, joints, tendons, and even the nervous system—to handle stress dynamically. This is how real-world flexibility is built.

Think about it: when an athlete performs a deep squat, they’re not only improving their strength but also training their hips, knees, and ankles to move efficiently through that ROM. And because they're under load, they’re learning to control that movement in a way that translates directly to their sport and life. The same can’t be said for lying on the ground and holding a stretch for minutes at a time.

Strength Training Teaches Problem Solving

One of the most important aspects of a good strength program is teaching athletes how to solve problems with the task at hand. Take a baseball player for example: when they need to stretch to scoop a ball out of the dirt, they're not thinking, "How do I stretch?" They’re solving the problem of getting low, stabilizing their body, and making the play. This type of flexibility training happens in movement, not in a static position.

By training movements like lunges, squats, and overhead presses through a full range of motion, athletes learn how to solve these physical problems without consciously thinking about their flexibility. They’re not just getting stronger; they’re learning how to use their strength to control their body in complex, dynamic environments.

Time Efficiency: Strength vs. Stretching

For coaches, time is always a limiting factor. Strength training allows us to address multiple needs—strength, flexibility, power, and problem-solving—in one session. Static stretching, on the other hand, often takes up valuable time without contributing to power output or dynamic stability. Research has shown that athletes who train strength through a full ROM can achieve flexibility gains without the need for hours of stretching​.

Strength training isn’t just about getting stronger; it’s about teaching the body to move efficiently under load, improving flexibility, and developing the power to perform in a sport. The more time athletes spend training flexibility through loaded movements, the more prepared they are to solve real-game problems in their sport.

Flexibility and Strength Go Hand in Hand

Instead of thinking about flexibility as a separate part of training, think of it as a byproduct of good movement. When athletes practice moving through their sport’s key ranges of motion under external load, they’re building flexibility where it matters most—in action. Flexibility isn't just about being able to stretch; it's about being able to move powerfully, efficiently, and safely when the sport demands it.

Focus on Movements That Build Both Strength and Flexibility

To maximize time and results, incorporate exercises like:

  • Deep squats

  • Overhead presses

  • Lunges and split squats

  • Romanian deadlifts

  • Rotational movements (chops, bends, and rotational lifts)

All these movements, when performed through a full range of motion, not only improve muscle strength but also develop the joint flexibility needed for athletic performance.

Conclusion: Stretch, but with Purpose

Static stretching has its place, but it shouldn’t dominate a training program. Strength training provides the flexibility benefits, along with the added advantages of improved strength, power, and problem-solving abilities. Athletes don’t just need to stretch; they need to train their bodies to perform under load, solve problems, and execute movements with control. That’s where true flexibility—and ultimate athletic performance—comes from.

In your program design, prioritize strength movements that challenge athletes to move through their sport-specific ranges of motion under load. This approach will lead to not only improved flexibility but also better athletic performance in less time. As coaches, our job is to get the most out of every session, and strength training is the key to achieving that.

Will Strength Training Actually Make You Worse at Your Sport?

When it comes to high-level athletic performance, there’s a tipping point where endlessly chasing heavy weights for speed development becomes counterproductive. Strength training can indeed make athletes slower if overdone, especially at elite levels. One critical yet often overlooked factor is how much the athlete enjoys the program. I've identified several neuro-types and personality traits to consider when programming for athletes, and it's tricky when an athlete from multiple sporting backgrounds isn't sure what they enjoy or dislike.

I'm not suggesting that athletes need to love every single lift to improve, nor should training be a constant source of fun. Instead, consider this example: a big-bodied lineman may find joy in grinding through heavy lifts, while a slender-framed golfer will likely appreciate the technicality of complex exercises that engage specific muscle groups. To foster adherence to a program, coaches are often taught to “give them what they want while sneaking in what they need.” While this is true to an extent, the "why" behind your program can't be hidden. Observing an athlete's response to training stimuli is crucial.

When a new athlete starts strength training, they often need a foundational base. But what about athletes who are excellent at their sport yet unfamiliar with weight training? They may struggle with basic lifts despite their superior coordination and gameplay. Does this athlete need a strength-heavy regimen to improve their performance? Maybe, maybe not.

Elite athletes often defy conventional metrics. Many don't have outstanding weight room numbers but still excel in their sports. Take Lionel Messi, for example. He isn't known for his bench press or squat max but is still one of the greatest soccer players in history due to his agility, coordination, and technical skills. Steph Curry isn't the strongest NBA player, but his shooting precision and court vision make him unstoppable. These athletes exemplify how game-specific skills often outweigh traditional strength training benchmarks.

As a coach, telling such an athlete, "Hey, you're a great athlete, but you need to stack this stress on top of your skill training to run faster," seems shortsighted. Fundamentals should certainly be taught, and performance should improve with new stimuli. However, I’d bet that if I gave them more than 12 weeks of a strength-dominant program, they'd become slower and less fluid than before. Strength training is taxing and can hamper an athlete’s ability to practice their craft due to soreness, fatigue, and stress.

It's crucial to recognize that speed is a combination of technical skill, neurological efficiency, and strength. Strength training should complement, not hinder, these other aspects. Coaches need to spend time observing their athletes play because that’s what truly matters. How do they move? What's their mindset like? Do they quit when things get tough, or do they encourage others? Do they have that extra gear at the end of the game that propels them past the competition?

With these answers, create a program that targets weaknesses without detracting from the athlete's existing strengths. Ensure that the athlete adheres to the plan without feeling forced into it. For instance, my approach to coaching swimmers is vastly different from how I coach basketball players. These are fundamentally different sports with contrasting mindsets, and treating them the same makes no sense.

Ultimately, a successful program aligns with an athlete's neuro-type, optimizes their enjoyment, and caters to their individual needs—all while fostering adherence. By emphasizing what matters most in gameplay and providing the right stimulus, coaches can ensure athletes reach their full potential without sacrificing their unique strengths. So to answer the question, will strength training make you worse at your sport- no, m. Strength training is a foundational component of athlete success. HOWEVER, mindlessly chasing heavier and heavier weights with no consideration of on field performance will ultimately take away from the athlete’s capacity to practice their craft, and in my opinion, make them worse at their sport.

The Modern Sports Injury Dilemma: A Deep Dive into the Changing Landscape of Youth Athletics

In the realm of modern sports, the rise in injuries among young athletes has become a pressing concern. This issue is multifaceted and complex, driven by changes in how young athletes train, play, and perceive their own physical limits. Let’s unpack these perspectives to better understand the nuances of the sports injury dilemma.

The Vanishing Playground: Under-preparation in Youth Sports

Once upon a time, the playground was the primary training ground where young athletes honed their physical skills. Kids would climb, run, jump, and engage in a variety of games, which naturally developed a broad base of physical capabilities. Fast forward to today, and this scenario has drastically changed. Modern youth athletes, driven by technology and structured lifestyles, spend less time playing outside. The lack of diverse physical play during critical developmental years leads to under-preparation for the demands of organized sports. This shift has resulted in athletes who are physically underprepared — lacking in general physical robustness and the varied motor skills that come from unstructured play. Such a foundation is crucial not only for performance but for injury prevention as well.

Expanding on the Shift in Cultural Attitudes: The Necessity of Pushing Limits for Progress

Another significant factor contributing to the rise in youth sports injuries is early specialization. The trend of focusing on a single sport from an early age — often coupled with year-round training — mirrors the repetitiveness of a daily job rather than a varied athletic development. This intense, repetitive practice of specific skill sets and movements can lead to overuse injuries. Muscles, joints, and ligaments are subjected to continuous, similar strains without adequate recovery periods, increasing the likelihood of stress-related injuries. This hyper-focused approach also neglects the development of other physical skills and muscle groups, which can help balance the body's mechanics and reduce injury risks.

The evolving attitudes towards managing pain and injuries in sports carry significant implications, particularly regarding how athletes push their limits. Historically, pushing through discomfort was not just common but often regarded as a hallmark of dedication and toughness in sports. Today, the pendulum has swung towards a more cautious approach, prioritizing immediate health and long-term wellbeing over short-term gains. However, this shift raises important questions about the balance between safety and the necessary challenge required to achieve higher levels of performance.

Athletes often discover their true potential and capacity for improvement at the edge of their comfort zones. Training regimens that challenge physical and mental boundaries are essential for growth in any sport. The process of adaptation — where the body strengthens in response to increased demands — is fundamental to athletic improvement. However, this process inherently involves some level of discomfort and risk.

In contemporary sports cultures, there is an increasing tendency to avoid all forms of discomfort, which can be counterproductive. For example, an athlete might skip a set in their workout because they feel too tired, or they may sit out a week of practice based on generalized advice about the need for recovery. While well-intentioned, such decisions may limit the athlete's opportunity to experience the kind of demanding situations that catalyze growth and development. The challenge lies in distinguishing between fatigue that signals harmful overexertion and fatigue that is part of a normal, healthy training process.

By avoiding challenging training situations, athletes may also delay their maturation process in the sport. The resilience developed from overcoming tough training sessions or playing through manageable discomfort not only enhances physical capabilities but also builds mental toughness, crucial for competitive situations. The avoidance of all pain could lead athletes to remain within their comfort zones, where less adaptation occurs, and therefore, less improvement in performance.

Conclusion: Empowering Athletes Through Education and Managed Struggle

In addressing the dilemma of sports injuries and the evolving cultural attitudes toward pain and training, it is clear that a nuanced approach is necessary. By striking a balance between caution and challenge, we can foster a training environment that optimizes both performance and safety. The key to this balance lies in education and a managed approach to athletic struggle.

Educating athletes about the nature of pain, the importance of recovery, and the benefits of pushing their limits is fundamental. A well-informed athlete is equipped to make better decisions about their training intensity, recognize the signs of both beneficial and harmful pain, and understand the value of recovery. This knowledge not only enhances their ability to perform but also reduces the risk of injury.

Allowing athletes to experience struggle within a controlled and supportive environment is also crucial. Managed struggle helps athletes to develop resilience, learn from their physical and mental limits, and understand the necessity of overcoming discomfort to achieve higher levels of performance. It is through these challenging experiences that athletes often gain the confidence and the skill set required to excel.

By combining education with a structured yet challenging training regimen, athletes are better positioned to make informed decisions not only about their daily training but also about their long-term sports involvement. This empowerment extends to choosing the right sport or specialization that aligns with their physical capabilities, interests, and growth potential.

Coaches and sports organizations have a pivotal role in this ecosystem. They must ensure that training programs are scientifically sound, progressively challenging, and tailored to the individual needs of each athlete. Furthermore, fostering an environment that encourages open communication about pain and injuries without stigma is essential for the well-being and development of athletes.

By focusing on education and embracing the essential role of struggle in athletic development, we can help athletes navigate the complexities of modern sports. This approach not only enhances their performance and enjoyment of the sport but also ensures that they grow into well-rounded, resilient individuals who are capable of making the best decisions for their athletic and personal development.

Not All Jumps are Created Equal- The Difference & Benefits of Impulse and Power Jumps

In the realm of athletic training, plyometric exercises are essential tools for developing explosive power, speed, and efficiency. Plyometrics, or "jump training," leverage the stretch-shortening cycle of the muscles, enhancing the ability of athletes to perform at their peak. However, not all plyometric exercises are created equal, nor do they serve the same purpose. This blog post delves into three distinct types of plyometric drills, each catering to different athletic goals and employing unique strategies.

Impulse jumps focuses on speed and twitch. Here, athletes aim for minimal ground contact time. They avoid sinking deeply into their hips and knees, opting instead for a quick, reactive bounce off the ground. This method is especially beneficial for sports requiring rapid movements and swift directional changes.


Power jumps emphasizes power. Athletes engaging in these drills will typically descend a little deeper during the loading phase, spending more time preparing their launch. This allows for a more forceful explosion and is ideal for sports where power generation is crucial, such as football or basketball.

In this post, we will explore these three strategies in detail, discussing how each influences performance and can be best utilized in athletic training regimens. Whether you're a coach, a trainer, or an athlete, understanding these nuances will help you tailor your plyometric training to meet specific fitness and performance goals.

Impulse Jump

In physics, "impulse" is defined as the change in momentum resulting from a force applied over a period of time. The formula for impulse 

J is represented as: F×Δt where F is the force applied and Δt is the time duration over which the force is applied. Impulse is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, and it is typically measured in Newton-seconds (Ns).

Relation of Impulse to the Impulse Jump

In the context of the "Impulse Jump" in plyometric drills, the concept of impulse is directly applied to how athletes perform the jump. Here’s how impulse relates to this type of jump:

  1. Minimized Contact Time: The key characteristic of the Impulse Jump is the minimization of the time the athlete's feet are in contact with the ground. The shorter this time, the quicker the force application must be to achieve the desired change in momentum. This quick force application results in a rapid and explosive jump.

  2. Maximized Force Application: To achieve an effective Impulse Jump, athletes must maximize the force F they apply to the ground in the brief contact period. This involves powerful leg contractions and a full-body engagement that contributes to a more dynamic launch.

  3. Optimized Momentum Change: The ultimate goal of the Impulse Jump is to maximize the change in vertical momentum. By applying a strong, quick force within a short time frame, athletes can propel themselves higher and faster off the ground.

  4. Efficient Energy Transfer: In plyometrics, the efficiency of the stretch-shortening cycle (the cycle of muscle elongation and contraction) plays a crucial role. In the Impulse Jump, efficient energy transfer during this cycle helps maximize the impulse. When muscles quickly stretch before a jump, they store elastic energy, which is then rapidly released during the contraction phase, contributing to a more powerful jump.

Thus, the Impulse Jump effectively utilizes the physics concept of impulse by emphasizing a quick, forceful, and efficient application of power within a very brief window. This leads to an explosive performance in sports where speed and reactivity are critical.

Power Jump

In the athletic context, "power" refers to the ability to exert maximum force in the shortest possible time. It is a critical component for many sports that require sudden bursts of activity, such as jumping or sprinting. Power is mathematically expressed as the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred, and is calculated by the formula:

Power = Work/Time where work is the energy transferred by a force acting over a distance.

Characteristics of the Power Jump

The Power Jump is a type of plyometric exercise that is optimized for sports requiring high and forceful jumps, such as volleyball or basketball. Unlike the Impulse Jump, which focuses on minimizing ground contact time, the Power Jump involves a longer loading phase where the athlete takes a deeper descent, closer to parallel in the hips, and undergoes more knee and ankle flexion. This greater amplitude of movement allows for more substantial energy storage during the loading phase, which can then be explosively released during the jump.

Benefits of the Power Jump

  1. Enhanced Explosive Strength: By engaging in deeper squats and loading phases, athletes can significantly enhance their explosive strength, crucial for sports where peak force output is essential in short bursts.

  2. Increased Jump Height: The deeper loading allows for a longer force application, which can result in a higher jump. This is particularly beneficial in sports like basketball and volleyball where vertical leap is directly correlated with performance.

  3. Improved Force Production: The extended range of motion in the joints during the loading phase of the Power Jump leads to greater force production due to the full engagement of muscle groups.

  4. Better Energy Storage and Release: The stretch-shortening cycle is more pronounced in the Power Jump due to the deeper squatting. This allows for better storage and subsequent release of elastic energy, enhancing overall power output.

Who Benefits from the Power Jump?

The Power Jump is particularly beneficial for athletes who need to achieve significant vertical height in their sports. For instance:

  • Basketball Players: They frequently need to perform high jumps for rebounds and shots.

  • Volleyball Players: Effective spiking and blocking require powerful jumps.

  • Football Players: Especially receivers and defensive backs who need to leap for high catches.

  • Track and Field Athletes: Particularly those competing in events like high jump and triple jump.

Training for the Power Jump

Training for the Power Jump should focus on increasing both the depth and explosiveness of movements:

  1. Deep Squat Jumps: Emphasize full-range squat jumps to train the muscles to handle and exploit deeper loading phases.

  2. Weight Training: Incorporate exercises like squats, deadlifts, and leg presses that build strength in the lower body, particularly focusing on the range of motion involved in deep squats.

  3. Plyometric Drills: Include drills that allow for longer ground contact times while focusing on explosive upward movements, such as depth jumps or box jumps.

  4. Flexibility and Mobility Work: To safely engage in deeper jumps, athletes should work on their flexibility and joint mobility, particularly in the hips, knees, and ankles.

By focusing on these training elements, athletes can maximize their performance in the Power Jump, leading to better outcomes in their respective sports where power and jump height are decisive.

At the End of the Day

Athletes across various sports will naturally gravitate towards a particular type of jump based on their physical build and the specific demands of their sport. The effectiveness with which an athlete performs a jump is largely dictated by the requirements of the situation. For instance, a larger-bodied high school basketball center may struggle to quickly leave the ground, but given a bit more time to generate force, their ability to jump higher significantly improves. Conversely, a leaner, narrow-framed high school sprinter might find it challenging to lower deeply to produce force, preferring instead to remain upright and reactive.

The key to effective training lies in recognizing which type of jump training to introduce to each athlete. Pushing a naturally fast and reactive sprinter to focus solely on power jumps could potentially diminish their inherent quickness. Effective coaching involves balancing the development of diverse skills while maintaining each athlete's natural strengths.

It all boils down to understanding the unique needs of the athlete, the specific requirements of the sport, and the athlete’s current level of training. By tailoring training programs to these factors, coaches can maximize athletic performance while nurturing each athlete's inherent abilities.

How Body Type Influences Training

Understanding the subtleties of athlete body types offers an invaluable lens for optimizing training protocols. By recognizing the spectrum between funnel-shaped athletes, like Dwight Howard, with broader shoulders and narrower hips, and cone-shaped athletes, such as Nikola Jokić of the Denver Nuggets, with wider hips and narrower shoulders, we can tailor training to leverage their inherent strengths while addressing their specific needs. 

In the realm of sports, coaches instinctively or deliberately assign athletes to positions that align with their physical attributes. For example, a funnel-shaped athlete with a naturally broad shoulder width relative to their hip width is often found in positions that benefit from their ability to leave the ground quickly and explosively. These athletes can struggle to absorb energy, or coordinate slower based movements. On the other hand, cone-shaped athletes, with their lower center of gravity and wider base, find their strengths in brute force production, and usually have a better ability to spin/ rotate. These athletes will struggle to produce force quickly. 

Translating this understanding to the weight room, the training focus for a funnel-shaped athlete would lean towards improving their ability to eccentrically/ yield under load via tempo strength exercises. Exercises for these athletes might include yielding jumps, eccentric biased squats, and split squat variations. I also like to include yielding isometrics in deeper positions that will improve muscle belly health and strength. These are alongside their plyometric drills that exploit their ability to generate force rapidly.

Conversely, cone-shaped athletes would benefit from a regimen that targets their ability to produce in a short amount of time. Band assisted jumps,T-Bar Split Jerk, and sprints would all be on the table. The tempos of these movements would be much faster, improving their ability to translate from down to up. This would be paired with exercises that optimize what they are already good at, under heavier loads like squats, deadlifts, and lateral movement drills can help in fortifying their foundation, improving their power.

The strategic adaptation of training based on body type ensures that athletes not only mitigate their weaknesses but also, and more crucially, accentuate their strengths. For funnel-shaped athletes, the emphasis on yielding exercises and explosive training maximizes their natural predisposition for power generation. Meanwhile, cone-shaped athletes receive training that enhances their ability to produce force rapidly, while improving their strength is crucial for their success. 

By embracing the diversity of athlete body types, coaches and trainers can unlock the full potential of their athletes, crafting training programs that are as individualized as the athletes themselves. This leads to optimized performance, where athletes not only excel in their given sports but do so by leveraging the natural advantages their unique body types afford them. Through this understanding and application of specific training modalities, the athlete's path to excellence becomes clearer, and their training more effective, paving the way for higher levels of achievement in their chosen sports.

Unlocking the Power of Athletic Hypertrophy: The Ultimate Training Guide

In the world of strength and conditioning, the conversation around muscle development is often dominated by myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Yet, for athletes and fitness enthusiasts aiming to reach peak physical performance, understanding and implementing the principles of athletic hypertrophy is key. This comprehensive guide delves into the essence of muscle growth, drawing insights from foundational principles found in "Science and Practice of Strength Training," and outlines an optimal training day strategy that melds strength with dynamic athleticism.

The Foundation: Understanding Muscle Composition

At the core of muscle tissue are myofibers, the contractile filaments that facilitate movement and strength. These fibers grow through myofibrillar hypertrophy, which directly enhances our ability to exert force. Surrounding the myofibers is the sarcoplasm, a substance filled with the energy reserves necessary for muscle contraction. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy increases muscle volume but does not significantly impact strength. Together, these elements comprise the dual pathways of muscle growth, each serving distinct roles in athletic development. Training these elements are often trained through single joint, or two joint exercises to stress a particular muscle/ muscle group. Athletes looking to improve performance may not benefit from this type training over a full training block.

Beyond Size and Strength: Athletic Hypertrophy

Athletic hypertrophy training transcends conventional muscle building by emphasizing compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows, which are foundational for improving neuromuscular coordination and closely mirroring complex actions in sports. This emphasis on compound exercises lays a solid foundation for strength and muscle coordination, crucial for executing dynamic movements efficiently and powerfully. Incorporating dynamic movement training, including exercises like medicine ball throws, jumps, and sprints, further enhances speed, agility, and explosiveness—key elements for peak athletic performance. This comprehensive approach not only leads to functional muscle growth applicable to athletic endeavors but also ensures improved force generation, balance, stability, and reduced injury risk, elevating an athlete's performance to new heights by making muscle development not just about aesthetics but serving the greater purpose of enhancing athletic prowess.

Structuring the Perfect Athletic Hypertrophy Training Day

Maximizing athletic hypertrophy requires a meticulously structured training session that primes the body for optimal performance:

  • Dynamic Warm-Up: Start with movements that echo the session's main exercises, such as split stance jumps before reverse lunges. This not only warms up the body but also activates the central nervous system, preparing you for the workout ahead.

  • Contrast Sets: Introduce contrast sets that blend heavy lifts with dynamic exercises, like a heavy reverse lunge followed by a medicine ball shot put. This combination stimulates both muscle growth and explosive power, key components of athletic performance.

  • Complimentary Accessory Set : Conclude with moderate-load, bilateral squat patterns to solidify the strength foundation. This balances the intensity of earlier exercises, ensuring comprehensive muscle development and endurance.

The Scientific Approach to Athletic Excellence

Inspired by "Science and Practice of Strength Training," this holistic approach to training harnesses the intricate dynamics of muscle fibers for comprehensive athletic development. It underscores the importance of understanding myofibers and sarcoplasm and integrates dynamic, performance-oriented exercises to foster a physique that's not just strong, but explosively athletic.


Athletic hypertrophy represents the pinnacle of training for performance, blending size, strength, and dynamic power into one cohesive strategy. By adopting a deeper understanding of muscle composition and implementing a structured approach to your training regimen, you can unlock unprecedented levels of athletic performance. This guide, grounded in the science of muscle growth and enriched with practical training wisdom, paves the way for athletes and fitness enthusiasts to achieve their ultimate potential.

Bridging Generations: The Evolution of Mental Toughness in Athletes

Evolving Athletes: The Balance Between Protection and Resilience

As we look at the landscape of youth sports today, juxtaposed against the backdrop of generations past, we find ourselves at a crossroads of adaptation and resilience. The voices of concern echo through time, with each generation lamenting the perceived decline in mental toughness of the next. Yet, this narrative often misses the broader picture of adaptability, an inherent trait that has defined human progress throughout history.

Adaptability vs. Protection: The Modern Athlete’s Dilemma

The modern era has brought with it regulations and protections designed with the best of intentions—to shield young athletes from harm. However, these same safeguards may inadvertently lower the bar for skill, physical, and mental capabilities. This protective bubble, while preventing physical injuries, might also stifle the growth of resilience that comes from facing and overcoming adversity.

Imagine the story of an athlete who, in decades past, would endure grueling training sessions, pushing through physical and mental barriers. Contrast this with today’s athlete, who, while benefiting from advancements in safety and wellbeing, might not experience the same raw challenges that forge steel-like resilience. The difference is stark, yet it reveals a fundamental truth: resilience is not solely born from hardship but from the ability to adapt and overcome.

The Middle Path: Harmonizing Safety and Growth

The essence of competition has always been about pushing limits and striving for excellence. Today, we strive to find a harmonious balance—a middle path that safeguards our athletes while still challenging them to grow. This balance is crucial, not just for the development of physical prowess but for cultivating the mental resilience that will serve them beyond the confines of their sport.

The dialogues we engage in today, among coaches, parents, athletes, and sports governing bodies, are about nurturing an environment that encourages facing challenges, embracing failure as a lesson, and developing a resilience that transcends sports. It’s about creating athletes who are not only physically adept but also mentally robust, capable of navigating the complexities of competition and life with equal aplomb.

Bridging the Gap: A Unified Approach to Mental Toughness

As we reconcile the traditional and modern views on mental toughness, we recognize that the core of athletic discipline remains unchanged. The journey to mastery still demands sacrifice, resilience, and commitment. However, the tools and methods have evolved, reflecting a deeper understanding of the balance between physical and mental health.

This evolution does not signify a decline in mental toughness but an expansion of its definition. It reflects a broader understanding that true resilience is not just about enduring hardship but about adapting, overcoming, and thriving. Today’s athletes, much like their predecessors, embody the spirit of resilience, but their journey is informed by a more holistic understanding of what it means to be truly tough.

In Conclusion: Fostering Resilient Athletes for a Modern World

The debate over the mental toughness of today’s athletes often overlooks their incredible adaptability and resilience in the face of evolving sports paradigms. By embracing both traditional rigor and modern insights into athlete well-being, we can cultivate a generation of athletes who are not just physically strong but mentally prepared for the challenges of their sports and life.

The synthesis of traditional resilience and contemporary understanding is essential in preparing athletes for the rigors of their sports and the demands of modern life. As we continue to navigate these evolving landscapes, our goal remains steadfast: to equip athletes with the tools they need to achieve excellence, both on and off the field.

The Balanced Approach to Youth Sports Specialization: A Comprehensive View

In the realm of youth athletics, the debate surrounding the timing and intensity of specializing in a single sport is both nuanced and deeply impassioned. The decision to specialize early in one sport is influenced by a myriad of factors, ranging from the sport itself to the athlete's personal drive and the philosophies guiding their support system. A balanced examination reveals that this is not a one-size-fits-all scenario; rather, it demands a tailored approach, considering the unique aspects of each sport and the individual athlete.

The Spectrum of Sports: Specialized vs. Field-Based

At the heart of the specialization conversation are the sports themselves. Specialized sports such as gymnastics, skiing, hockey, swimming, and wrestling operate on unique playing surfaces and demand specific physical attributes and skill sets. These sports are often less about general athleticism and more about highly specific skills that may not translate to other sports contexts. For example, the balance, coordination, and discipline developed in gymnastics are uniquely tailored to that sport's demands and may not directly benefit an athlete in a field-based sport like soccer or basketball.

Conversely, field-based sports like baseball, football, basketball, and soccer cultivate skills that have a higher degree of transferability between each other. The spatial awareness, teamwork, and general physical conditioning required in these sports can provide a cross-training benefit that enhances overall athletic development.

The Role of Genetics, Training Willingness, and Parental Philosophy

A critical factor in determining the appropriateness of early specialization is the athlete's genetic predisposition. For the top 1% of athletes in specialized sports, their natural physique and innate abilities may destine them for success in their chosen field. For these gifted individuals, early specialization can be a pathway to achieving their potential.

However, for the vast majority, diversification in sports can offer invaluable benefits. Participation in multiple sports not only rounds out their skill sets but also exposes them to a variety of coaching philosophies and team environments. This exposure is crucial for broadening their athletic, social, and psychological development.

Parental philosophy plays a pivotal role in this decision-making process. Parents of young athletes in specialized sports may lean towards early specialization to hone the unique skills required. In contrast, parents of athletes in field-based sports might see the value in diversification, recognizing the cross-disciplinary benefits and the opportunity for their children to discover their true passion.

The Sacrifice of Specialization

Specializing early in a single sport requires a significant commitment, not just from the athlete but from the entire family. The journey is marked by sacrifices, including time, financial resources, and the opportunity to engage in a broader range of activities. Both the athlete and their parents must be fully aware of and willing to accept these sacrifices.

For an athlete to dedicate themselves to one sport, there must be a genuine love for the training and the process of improvement. Without this passion, the risk of burnout and loss of interest increases dramatically.

A Multifaceted Approach for the Majority

Removing the exceptional cases of genetically predisposed athletes, the advice for most young sports enthusiasts is to engage in a wide array of sports. This approach not only enhances their athletic capabilities across the board but also ensures they are well-rounded individuals. Through diverse sports participation, young athletes gain exposure to different social circles and coaching styles, enriching their experience and widening their perspective.

Ultimately, the decision to specialize should be made with careful consideration of the sport in question, the athlete's personal inclination and physical readiness, and the collective philosophy of their support system. A nuanced, athlete-centered approach—one that values long-term development and joy in participation—will always be the best path forward in the complex world of youth sports specialization.

Unlocking Explosive Power: Why RSI Matters.

In the vast expanse of performance metrics that athletes and trainers navigate, one measure stands out for its direct impact on explosive strength and agility: the Reactive Strength Index (RSI). This metric isn't just a number; it's a gateway to understanding an athlete's ability to quickly transition from eccentric (muscle lengthening) to concentric (muscle shortening) movements. This ability is crucial across a variety of sports, from basketball’s rapid vertical jumps to soccer's swift change of direction.

Understanding RSI: The Bridge Between Strength and Speed

At its core, RSI measures the efficiency of an athlete's plyometric movements. It's calculated by dividing the jump height by the time spent on the ground. This simple yet profound calculation reveals how well an athlete can convert downward force into upward or forward motion, essentially measuring their explosive power.

Decoding the Scores: What’s Good, What’s Not?

Navigating through RSI scores can feel like deciphering an ancient script, but it's quite straightforward once you understand the scale. A good RSI score typically falls above 1.5, indicating that an athlete can efficiently generate high force in a short amount of time. These are the athletes who make explosive movements look effortless.

On the flip side, a score below 1.0 suggests there’s significant room for improvement. This range often highlights a lack of plyometric efficiency, which can be a roadblock in achieving peak performance in sports requiring explosive power.

Elevating Your RSI: A Path to Explosive Power

Improving your RSI is akin to fine-tuning a high-performance engine. It requires a mix of strength training, plyometric exercises, and technique refinement. Here's how you can embark on this journey:

  1. Foundation Strength Training: Before you leap into plyometrics, ensure your muscles have the strength to support explosive movements. Exercises like squats and deadlifts lay the groundwork.

  2. Plyometric Progression: Gradually introduce plyometric exercises, starting with lower intensity movements like box jumps or skipping, and progressing to more demanding ones such as depth jumps or bounding.

  3. Technique Tweaks: Sometimes, it's not about how hard you train but how well. Refining your jumping and landing techniques can significantly impact your RSI, making your movements more efficient.

  4. Consistency is Key: Like any aspect of fitness, improvements in RSI come with consistent effort. Regularly incorporating these exercises into your routine can lead to noticeable gains.

Why RSI Matters: Beyond the Numbers

The importance of RSI transcends its numerical value; it's about unlocking an athlete's full potential. Athletes with a high RSI can produce force more rapidly, making them more agile, faster, and more explosive in their movements. This efficiency can be the difference between winning and losing, between reaching the peak of your jump to block a shot or just missing it.

Incorporating RSI-focused training into your regimen can elevate your athletic performance to new heights. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting, understanding and improving your RSI can be a game-changer in your quest for peak performance. So, dive into your training with a new perspective, focus on your RSI, and unlock the explosive power that lies within.

Boosting Intramuscular Coordination: The Secret Behind Contrast Training for Peak Athletic Performance"

Progress can be made quickly.

The body adapts to the stress you apply to it


Why is improving intramuscular coordination important in training, and how can inefficiencies in muscle recruitment and utilization be addressed?

Improving intramuscular coordination is crucial for optimizing physical performance, reducing the risk of injury, and enhancing strength and power without necessarily increasing muscle mass. This efficiency is particularly important in sports where the balance between strength, power, and body weight affects performance, such as in endurance sports (triathlon, long-distance running) and sports requiring explosive power (high jump, shot put, Olympic weightlifting). The core issue lies in inefficient muscle recruitment and utilization, where muscles may not be activated in the most effective sequence or intensity, leading to suboptimal performance outcomes​​​​.

The key to addressing these inefficiencies involves targeted training strategies that focus on neural adaptations to strength training. This includes techniques aimed at reducing the inhibition of muscle contractions (e.g., through reducing the impact of Golgi tendon organs and Renshaw cells) and enhancing the synchronization and recruitment of motor units. Training should also aim to increase the rate coding, or the rate at which motor neurons fire, improving the speed and force of muscle contractions. These adaptations help in achieving greater strength and power outputs without the necessity for muscle hypertrophy, aligning with the needs of various athletic endeavors​​.

Methods to improve intramuscular coordination involve high-intensity training at 85-100% of the athlete's maximum capacity, focusing on the recruitment and frequent activation of muscle fibers through exercises that are both explosive and involve slow, controlled movements. Periodized training, ensuring full recovery between sessions to maximize the effectiveness of these adaptations, is also recommended​​​​.

In summary, addressing inefficiencies in muscle recruitment and utilization through targeted intramuscular coordination training can significantly enhance athletic performance across a broad spectrum of activities. By focusing on the neural aspects of strength and coordination, athletes can achieve higher levels of efficiency, strength, and power, critical for both competitive success and long-term physical development.

Dispelling Myths: The Truth About Weight Lifting and Sprinting


In the realm of fitness and athleticism, there are many misconceptions, particularly regarding weight lifting and sprinting. Let's debunk some of these myths with the same clarity and precision you've come to expect from our performance insights.

Misconception 1: Weight Lifting Makes You Bulky and Slower

One of the most persistent myths is that weight lifting invariably leads to increased bulk, potentially slowing you down. This isn't entirely true. Weight lifting, when done correctly, can actually enhance your speed and agility. The key lies in focusing on explosive power and strength, rather than just developing muscle size. This approach ensures that the muscles you build contribute directly to your speed and agility on the track or field.

  • Muscle Fiber Growth and Adaptation

    • Muscle growth, or hypertrophy, occurs in response to various forms of exercise, but the nature of the growth can differ significantly based on the type of training:

      • Myofibrillar Hypertrophy (the part that does the work): This refers to an increase in the size and number of myofibrils, the contractile units in muscle. Weight lifting, particularly with heavy loads, promotes myofibrillar hypertrophy. This type of growth enhances muscle strength and speed, as it directly increases the ability of the muscle to generate force.

      • Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy (the area surrounding the working parts): This involves an increase in the volume of the sarcoplasm, the fluid and non-contractile components of the muscle. It is more associated with bodybuilding and the 'bulking up' aspect of muscle growth, where the focus is on increasing muscle size rather than strength or speed.

Misconception 2: Sprinting is Only for Athletes

Many believe that sprinting is reserved for elite athletes or those in specific sports. However, sprinting is an incredibly effective form of exercise for anyone looking to improve cardiovascular health, burn fat, and build muscle. Its intensity can be adjusted to suit various fitness levels, making it a versatile and beneficial addition to any workout regime.

Misconception 3: Sprint Training Doesn't Build Muscle

Contrary to popular belief, sprinting does more than just boost your cardiovascular fitness; it also builds muscle. The high intensity of sprinting targets fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are crucial for muscle growth and strength. This makes sprinting an excellent complement to weight lifting.

Misconception 4: More Is Always Better in Weight Lifting and Sprinting

In both weight lifting and sprinting, quality trumps quantity. It's a myth that doing more automatically leads to better results. In fact, overtraining can lead to injuries and burnout. Following a well-structured program that allows for adequate rest and recovery is key to making consistent progress.

In conclusion, weight lifting and sprinting are powerful tools in your fitness arsenal. By understanding and applying these insights, you can avoid common pitfalls and maximize your potential. Remember, fitness is a journey of continuous learning and adaptation.

If you found this article helpful, great! If not, remember, it's just one perspective in the vast world of fitness knowledge.

Velocity-Based Training: Pros, Cons, and Misuse

Velocity-based training (VBT) has gained considerable attention in recent years, especially in the context of athletic performance enhancement. By providing immediate feedback on an athlete's movement speed during resistance training, VBT offers a new dimension in tailoring and fine-tuning training programs. But like any tool, its effectiveness hinges on proper application. This blog post will delve into the pros and cons of VBT, highlight some common misuses of the technology, and discuss its implementation at the high school and youth level.


What is Velocity-Based Training?

VBT involves measuring the speed at which an athlete moves a given load during resistance training exercises. By monitoring this speed, coaches can gauge an athlete's fatigue level, optimize training load, and ensure that training targets specific performance goals.

Pros of Velocity-Based Training:

  1. Individualized Training Load: VBT allows for individualized training loads based on an athlete's day-to-day performance. Instead of prescribing weights based on a percentage of one's max, which can vary due to numerous factors, VBT adjusts to the athlete's current state.

  2. Objective Feedback: With real-time velocity metrics, athletes and coaches get immediate feedback. This allows for quick adjustments during a training session.

  3. Motivation and Engagement: Seeing real-time data can be motivating for athletes, creating a game-like environment where they strive to hit or surpass specific velocity targets.

  4. Enhanced Safety: By monitoring velocity decrements, coaches can identify when an athlete's performance starts to deteriorate, potentially reducing the risk of overtraining and injury.

Cons of Velocity-Based Training:

  1. Cost: High-quality VBT equipment can be pricey, potentially placing it out of reach for some schools or individual athletes.

  2. Learning Curve: Proper use of VBT requires understanding and interpreting the data, which can be a challenge for those new to the technology.

  3. Potential Over-reliance: While VBT is a powerful tool, it shouldn't replace a coach's intuition or traditional methods. It's one piece of the puzzle, not the entire picture.

Misuse of VBT Technology:

  • Overcomplicating Training: Some coaches might become overly fixated on velocity data, leading to paralysis by analysis. While data is essential, it should inform, not dictate, the entire training process.

  • Misinterpreting Data: Without proper education, there's a risk of misinterpreting what the velocity data means, potentially leading to inadequate training loads or missed performance markers.

  • Neglecting the Basics: A fancy VBT setup doesn't replace the need for fundamental movement skills, proper technique, and a well-rounded training program.

Implementing VBT in High School and Youth Levels:

  1. Start with Education: Before integrating VBT, coaches should receive proper education on the technology, its benefits, and potential pitfalls. This ensures a smoother and more effective implementation process.

  2. Integrate Slowly: Begin by integrating VBT into specific parts of the training program. Over time, as coaches and athletes become more familiar with the technology, it can become a more central aspect of training.

  3. Use as a Motivational Tool: For younger athletes, the immediate feedback from VBT can serve as a motivational tool. Challenge them to hit certain velocity targets and celebrate when they achieve or surpass these goals.

  4. Safety First: Especially with younger athletes, always prioritize safety. Ensure that athletes have mastered proper movement techniques before incorporating VBT into their regimen.


Velocity-based training offers a promising approach to optimizing athletic performance. When used correctly, it can tailor training programs to an athlete's unique needs and capabilities. However, like any tool, it's only as effective as its user. For high school and youth-level athletes, integrating VBT requires a blend of education, patience, and a continued focus on the fundamental aspects of training.

Rest- How to Use it to Your Advantage

Here are some general guidelines you can use to establish an accurate plan for your desired outcome in the gym. I will list general training residuals people train for in an order of what requires the most amount of rest between sets, to the least amount of rest between sets.

Using the graph as a guideline, I will provide sample work-to-rest intervals we use to develop a specific adaptation.

New Skill Acquisition:

  • Depending on the intensity of the skill (swinging a bat compared to learning a new swim stroke) you want to maintain a low level fatigue so the brain can learn the skill as efficiently as possible. Your ideal work-to-rest interval should 1:8-10

Speed/ agility

  • When I say speed and agility, I am implying that the athlete is training with all-out effort/ intent. If you want to improve your speed/ your reactive ability, then you need to train at the highest level of intent you possess. Your ideal work-to-rest interval should 1:5-8

Strength/ Power

  • In order to lift the heaviest weight, or a lighter weight as fast as possible, much like speed and agility, you need to be able to repeat that effort over and over again. The ideal work-to-rest interval should be 1:3-5


  • To increase size, we are assuming you have the skill developed (bench press, squat etc). Generally speaking, you need to maintain the ability to train exercise for 6-12 reps with 1-2 reps in the tank repeatedly. Your work-to-rest should be 1:2-3


  • There are many types of endurance, but I am referring to the classic definition of endurance training- long distance running, swimming, etc at low levels of intent. You are trying to build a motor than can work for along time. Ideally, your work-to-rest should be 1:1-2.

The order in which you complete these training residuals matters just as much as how often you rest. Generally speaking, you want to the follow the order I listed above. Learn your new skill first when you are the freshest, run fast, lift heavy weights, complete some size training, and conclude with your endurance work. Your body will be fatigued, but you will have maximized your potential to develop the adaptation you desire.

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