Start Your Athlete’s Performance Plan Today & Prepare Them For Tomorrow

Youth athletes are like a sponge, ready to absorb everything you give them.

We take complex skills, and break it down for your athlete to ensure they develop efficiently, and safely.

If they play sports year-round, they need to train year-round to prevent injuries, elevate performance, and create a positive relationship with training.

The longer you wait to start organized training, the harder it will be for your athlete to develop coordination, skills, strength and speed.

Program options for the youth athlete

Youth Athlete 1 on 1 Coaching

  • Private training allows for youth athletes to receive individualized attention & coaching.

  • Athletes will work 1 on 1 with a certified professional to help fast track their development plan, while creating a positive relationship with training.

  • Coaches are available year-round, and training schedules are completely customizable.

TP Prime Program

  • A middle school level class that prepares youth athletes for long term success in high level programs.

  • Athletes in this class will learn the fundamentals of exercise while improving: speed, agility, fitness level, and strength.

  • Classes are offered year-round. Training packages are based on when you start.

Private Group Training

  • A fun, cost effective way to learn and develop as a youth athlete.

  • Who doesn’t love working with their friends? Better yet, who doesn’t love working with their siblings??

  • Athletes will receive all of the benefits of 1 on 1 coaching, with the addition of a buddy.

How to start

New athletes must schedule an evaluation with one of our coaches before entry into any training program.

  • Youth athlete evaluations are 45-60 minutes in length.

  • During the eval, we will complete:

    • Health/ injury history

    • Goals assessment

    • Movement screening (body control, coordination, relative strength)

    • General performance metrics (10 yd dash, jump height/ distance, agility)

  • After the evaluation is complete, we will discuss the best possible plan for your athlete.