Sled Exercises - Sleds help increase force production from hip extension and hip hypertension. Sleds can be used to help develop the entire posterior chain, raise aerobic/anaerobic capacity, GPP, increase strength endurance, increase explosive force, and work as a means of restoration. We may also use sleds for upper body pulling and pushing as well.
Special Strength - Movements with resistance that incorporate the joint dynamics of the skill - Sled marching the example.
Specific Strength - Movements with resistance that are imitative of the joint action - Sled Sprints the example.
Why we like them so much: We use most sled exercises to help improve speed, acceleration, and running form and therefore are a great way to “bridge the gap” between weight training and form running drills.
Key Points:
Sleds increase the ability to apply force to the ground and create forward movement.
If the athlete has to severely alter their posture and mechanics then the resistance is too heavy.
Sleds are great for acceleration but may not increase top overall speed (which is rarely needed in most sports).
10% of bodyweight added to the sled with high velocities can help improve speed/acceleration.