A performance program designed for the college baseball athlete

The College Crew Strength Program is designed and operated by the young, up and coming, Private Performance Coach, Nate Garcia. Each 75 minute class takes our athletes through our 5 pillars of performance enhancement: Pattern efficiency, Strength development, Power expression, Speed development, and Pattern endurance. Our extensive evaluation process tells us exactly what you need to work on the most to ensure we waste no time getting you to where you need to be in regards to performance. With connections to collegiate and professional coaches, our athletes are always touted as the most prepared athletes on the roster. The TP Elite Program produces our crop collegiate level athletes. Their annual return to our facility demonstrates our training effectiveness, and each athletes level of commitment.

The College Crew Strength Program is in every way designed for the collegiate athlete.

  • Professional Coaching

  • Advanced Programming

  • Affordable Pricing

  • Team Atmosphere

When you want to be the best, you have to train with the best. The best is not found at your local big box gym.

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If you want to stand out, you need a professional level coach to help.

Ryan Bryggman- (SP) Binghamton University Baseball 2023

Choose a training package, and get ready to work

TRAINING SCHEDULE: 5/25-8/19/21 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday


10 pack training sessions: $38/ session

20 pack training sessions: $35/ session

We will email you to confirm your dates/ times

WHO: College baseball athletes home from school, preparing for their upcoming season, and beyond.

WHAT: A position specific program that is supported by 4 pillars of training: Speed, Strength, Mobility, & Durability

WHEN: Summer Strength Program is held 5/25-8/19/21. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:30-10:45am.

There will be no classes held 7/11-7/18/21

WHY: Our goal is to keep athletes on the track of success. Too many times athletes are given “in-home” workouts that are mishandled, and completed inappropriately with no coaching or equipment. We aim to give our high caliber athletes the coaching, and tools necessary to prepare for their next season.


  • Maximum of 10 athletes/class,

  • Registration for a class must be completed at least 24 hours in advance

  • Cancellation/ rescheduling notice must be given 24 hours in advance

  • All athletes will perform an initial evaluation at the start of the program. Any new athletes to TP must complete a separate 1 on 1 evaluation before entrance to the program, and the sign-up form can be found here: https://tpstrength.com/jointp

  • Packages purchased expire 1 year after purchase.

  • Please direct all questions regarding the program to Coach Nate at nate@tpstrength.com


A program designed by a pro, for the future pro.

Having worked with athletes of all levels, from the MLB to LTAD, Coach Nate knows what goes into a successful offseason. A perfect strength training plan? Maybe meal prepping? What about a sleep schedule? All of your plans are meaningless without extreme coaching, and attention to detail. These are the 2 top factors that determine the success of an offseason. From the eval, to test day, every detail is planned for, modified, and coached relentlessly to perfection. Without this mentality, any program is useless.

Left to right- Joe Vetrano (BC Baseball 2024), Coach Nate (Head of R & D at TP)

Waiver, Consent and Release Provisions

In consideration of your accepting either my entry or my child's entry into your program(s)/ lesions, I hereby, for myself, my child, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I or my child may have against TOTAL PERFORMANCE STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING (“TP”) and/or its owners, officers, coaches, sponsors, representatives, successors, and assigns for any and all injuries and or illness suffered by me or my child at any activity sponsored by TP whether by negligence or any other cause. 

As the parent or legal guardian of the child named herein, I hereby give my full consent and approval for my child to participate in all the sports, exercise, instruction, and activities designated for my child by TP and will wear appropriate face covering and participate in any and all requirements due to COVID-19 or other health threats in order to participate in TP programs and activities including indoor activities at TP. 

I understand that there are certain risks of injury and/ or illness inherent in the practice and play of sports and exercise, as well as in traveling and other related activities incidental to my own and/or my child’s participation and I am willing to assume these risks on my/our behalf. 

I hereby certify that I am and/or my child is fully capable of participating in your programs(s)/lessons and that we are healthy and have no physical or mental disabilities or infirmities that would restrict full participation in these programs. 

I hereby grant permission for my likeness, or my child’s likeness, to be used by TP or its designees, representatives, successors and/or assigns in any media now or hereafter developed, in connection with any advertising and/or program or event, or program or event in which TP participates, and waive any claim or entitlement to any compensation, monetary or otherwise, for or from the use of such likeness.

By purchasing any training package/ session I and/or my child hereby verify that I have read, understand, and will adhere to (and enforce) all of the facility rules.